The Knight of the Reel Awards (KRA) is an acclaimed Film Festival that will be held in the historical city of Hyderabad, also known as the City of Nizams. This film festival aims the stimulation of the creative genres of Independent Movies. It is an optimistic film festival that focuses on the free-spirited, innovative, and expert artists of recent times. Ingenious Filmmakers are welcomed from all across the globe to exhibit their incredible films among a number of experts and reach out to a large number of spectators globally.

Our prime intent is to impart opportunities for global filmmakers who are often left behind but have the potential to present us with creative artwork once they get the appropriate film platform. We focus on encouraging and upbringing such talents and honour them for their creativity. This film festival is open to all forms of creativity. We accept movies of all genres and forms. Finding out the deserving and best film in each category and associating them with world-class film expertise is one of the main goals of our film festival. An unbiased judging panel and networking among the Film Experts are one of the unique features of The Knight Awards.

We have set a parameter for the selection of the deserving project in all possible ways. We believe in quality; hence, experimental genres are also warmly welcomed if it fits the parameter of quality content.  We ensure the review of all the submitted films and then select the best in each category and finally impart the recognition by the jury of expert film industry professionals on their selective judgment of the winner.

Submit to Film Festival, Film Festival Submission, Submit Your Film